Monday, January 3, 2011


What is Cloning?

1. Who is Dolly? Dolly is a sheep that showed up in genetic research in 1997, cloning was experimented on long before Dolly was around though. Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) uses a different approach than artificial embryo twinning, but it produces the same result; an exact clone or gene copy, this was the method used to make Dolly the sheep.

2. When a zygote divides into to separate cells, it is called: Embryo Twinning

3. Somatic cells are also called: Diploid cells.

4. In order to clone a gene, a gene is inserted into a plasmid.

5. In order to create an embryo from a somatic cell, the donor egg cell must have its nucleusremoved.

Click and Clone

6. List all the materials needed to clone a mouse.

Microscope, petri dishes, sharp pipette, blunt pipette, chemical to stimulate cell division, Mimi (mouse we will clone, brown), Megdo (egg cell donor, black), Momi (surrogate mother to grow Mimi clone, white)

7. Place the following steps in the correct order.

4. Stimulate cell division
6. Deliver baby
2. Remove and discard the nucleus from the egg cell
1. Isolate donor cells from egg donor and germ cell donor
3. Transfer the somatic cell nucleus into the egg cell
5. Implant embryo into a surrogate mother

8. There are two time gaps in the process of cloning. What are they? (ie. what do you have to wait for?)

The first time gap that you have to wait for is the time that the nucleus and the cell need a couple of hours to adjust to each other. The second gap is when the cell needs time to divide a few times creating a ball of 16 cell sin the perti dish, this may take several hours.

9. What color with the cloned mouse be? brown What is the name of this mouse? Mini-Mimi

Why Clone?

10. Why is cloning extinct animals problematic?

Cloning extinct animals is a problematic scientific agenda due to a little reasoning logic. To illustrate this point, take dinosaurs, for example. These dinosaurs, if reproduced in the current era, would have a terrible time adapting to the current atmosphere, environment, and the capacity that the animals utilize would behoove a major issue in the near future. Of course, this possibility is theoretically feasible, due to the fact that scientists could produce a well-preserved source of DNA from the extinct dinosaur, and a closely related species, currently living, that could serve as a surrogate mother.

11. What are some reasons a person might want to clone a human?

There are infinite reasons why one may want, or even need, to clone a human. However, the chief rationales include:
providing infertile couples with a child.
to replace a deceased child.
to help gay partners have children.
In theory, cloning humans are just as, if not more, viable when it comes to statistics and thesis. Unfortunately, not all consider the legal and ethical perspective of the issue, resulting in a global controversy on the main topic.

The Clone Zone

12. What animal was cloned in 1885?

The sea urchin was cloned in 1885 by a scientist by the name of Hans Adolf Edward Dreisch. In this experiment, Hans discovered that the action of shaking two-celled sea urchin embryos, the cells could then be divided. The consequences of these actions resulted in two, complete sea-urchin organisms.

13. How did Spemann separate the two cells of the embryo of a salamander in 1902?

Spemann separated the two cell of the embryo of a salamander in 1902 by sculpting a noose (fabricated from baby hair), and constricted the bond, thus dividing the unit into two cells. They developed into normal adult salamanders, opposed to those with advanced embryos.

14. The process of removing a nucleus is called enucleating.

15. In 1952, the nucleus of a frog embryo cell was placed into a donor cell. Did it work to clone the animal?

The cloning did, in fact, prove successful in correlation with the standard embryo. The scientists Robert Briggs and Thomas King devised a process, which involved: isolating the nucleus from a donor cell (early tadpole embryo), remove the recipient's from egg cell through enucleation, and ultimately reuniting the donor nucleus and the recipient egg. Although their earlier results were triumphant, their outcomes with the advanced nucleus were very similar to Hans Spemann's with his salamander lab. These particular frogs either died off or developed an abnormality in later life.

16. Can the nucleus of an adult cell be injected into an egg cell and produce a clone?

Yes it can. When using Briggs and King's operation, the nucleus of an adult cell can be injected into an egg cell and produce a clone. In fact, cloning doesn't necessarily mean to develop a fully complete, adult organism. Scientists from the Advanced Cell Technology company have discovered a therapeutical advantage when it comes to cloning. This works when the patient is cloned, individual stem cells are created by an embryo in its early stages, which are then grown in a laboratory, and utilized to repair damaged regions with tissue that is identical to those that were impaired.

17. Why are mammals hard to clone?

Yes it can. When using Briggs and King's operation, the nucleus of an adult cell can be injected into an egg cell and produce a clone. In fact, cloning doesn't necessarily mean to develop a fully complete, adult organism. Scientists from the Advanced Cell Technology company have discovered a therapeutical advantage when it comes to cloning. This works when the patient is cloned, individual stem cells are created by an embryo in its early stages, which are then grown in a laboratory, and utilized to repair damaged regions with tissue that is identical to those that were impaired.

18. What were the names of the first two cloned cows?

Fusion and Copy were the names of the first two cloned cows, twinned by scientists Neal First, Randal Prather, and Willard Eyestone.

19. In what year was the National Bioethics Advisory Council formed?

1995 saw the formation of the National Bioethics Advisory Council, organized by president Bill Clinton, who just so happened to demean cloning, yet still provide experts with the materials to investigate the therapeutical standpoint on the matter. The council consisted of both scientific and non-scientific experts focusing on the legal, ethical, and religious aspects of cloning.

20. The first mammal clone to be produced from an adult (somatic) cell?

Dolly the sheep was the first mammal clone to be produced from an adult somatic cell.

21. What do scientists do to adult cells to make them "behave" like embryos?

Scientists remove the nucleus of somatic cell, and transfer it into the enucleated egg cell, reprogramming it to behave like embryos.

22. Transgenic, cloned sheep were used to produce what medical protein?

The transgene that was inserted in the donor somatic cells was designed to express human clotting factor IX protein in the milk of sheep. This protein plays an essential role in blood coagulation and deficiency leads to the disease Haemophilia B of which treatment requires intravenous infusion of factor IX. The production of this protein in livestock milk, a process known as pharming, would provide a source of this therapeutic protein that would reduce the cost and also would be free of potential infectious risk associated with the current source of this protein (human blood).

23. What is a stem cell? A stem cell is a cell that upon division replaces its own numbers and also gives rise to cells that differentiate further into one or more specialized types, as various B cells and T cells.

Cloning Myths

24. Briefly describe in your own words, why CC the cat was not identical in color to Rainbow, even though she was a clone?

Early in Rainbow's development, Rainbow's turned off an entire X chromosome, either the black fur coat color gene, or the orange fur coat color gene. This process most often happens in females and this process is called X-inactivication, and this process happens in order to prevent females from having as twice as much X-chromosomes as males.

25. What is "nature vs nurture"?

Basically, this means that while genetics can help determine traits, environmental influences have a considerable impact on shaping an individual's physical appearance and personality. For example, do you know any identical twins? They are genetically the same, but do they really look and act exactly alike?

Is it Cloning or Not?

26. For each of the following scenarios, indicate YES (it is cloning) or NO (it is not cloning)

NO Sperm taken from a mole goat is combined with a female's egg in a petri dish. The resulting embryo is implanted into the female's uterus to develop
YES A sheep embryo, composed of 16 cells, is removed from the mother's uterus and separated into individual cells. Each cell is allowed to multiply, creating 16 separate embryos, which are then implanted in different female sheep to develop to maturity.
NO A cow with many desirable traits is stimulated with hormones to produce a number of egg cells. Each of these eggs is fertilized and implanted into a surrogate mother.
NO In vitro fertilization
YES Cell nuclei from an extinct wolly mammoth are placed into enucleated cow cells.

27. Define or describe each of the following processes (you may need to reset the Cloning or Not Screen)

Invitro fertilization

In vitro fertilisation (IVF) is a process by which egg cells are fertilised by sperm outside the body, in vitro.

Embryo splitting

Separation of an early-stage embryo into two or more embryos with identical genetic makeup, essentially creating identical twins or higher multiples (triplets, quadruplets, etc.).

Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer

Somatic cell nuclear transplantation: moving a cell nucleus and its genetic material from one cell to another

Multiple Ovulation Embryo Transfer

Multiple ovulation embryo transfer is a way to produce an animal of certain genetic qualities faster.
The multiple ovulation part is where the
female animal is manipulated hormonally to produce more than the usual number of eggs during ovulation. The chosen male's semen, containing the genes you are selecting are placed to fertilise the eggs in the female. the new embryos are then removed from the female before they are attached to the uterine wall. This is the embryo transfer part. Other female animals are used because their oestrous cycle is at the right point to recieve the embryo. Hormones can be used to manipulate the recieving animal's oestrous cycle aswell.

Artificial Insemination

Artificial insemination, or AI, is the process by which sperm is placed into the reproductive tract of a female for the purpose of impregnating the female by using means other than sexual intercourse.

What Are the Risks of Cloning?

28. What is one reason why cloning animals has such a high failure rate?

Cloning animals through somatic cell nuclear transfer is simply inefficient. The success rate ranges from 0.1 percent to 3 percent, which means that for every 1000 tries, only one to 30 clones are made. Or you can look at it as 970 to 999 failures in 1000 tries. That's a lot of effort with only a speck of a return!

Why is this? Here are some reasons:

  • The enucleated egg and the transferred nucleus may not be compatible
  • An egg with a newly transferred nucleus may not begin to divide or develop properly
  • Implantation of the embryo into the surrogate mother might fail
  • The pregnancy itself might fail

29. What is a telomere and how does it affect cloned animals?

A telomere is a region of repetitive DNA at the end of a chromosome, which protects the end of the chromosome from deterioration. In cloned animals the telomere length is shorter than naturally uncloned animals.

What Are Some Issues in Cloning?

30. Pick one of the questions to ponder and ....ponder it. Write a brief essay on your thoughts and opinions.

My question is What are the risks of cloning technologies? My thoughts on this are that there are many many risks in cloning, and even cloning technologies. There will always be mistakes because we are only human and we can't possible be perfect in everything that we do, but if this mistake may end someone's life or injure them in any way then that is just not right. If the clone or cells of the future clone aren't inserted into the surrogate mother correctly then there might be many complications.